A quantity of people does not have notion, to do which with a Granatapfel. It is a kind an embarrassing fruit, which is not most humans so familiarly also and are from there not ready, gets in the supermarket. Surprisingly comes the odd fruits with many practical Gesundheits-und cosmetic advantages packed. Giving this strange small fruit a chance and become you with many natural advantages, those the fruit supply reward. Background the Granatapfel are historically from the Near East and, parts the Mediterranean area, Asia, parts of south Europe, Africa and even semi tropical areas of California and South America migrated. The fruit has it already for centuries and was even in the Greek mythology as the fruit of the underworld, Persephone in meals is expenditure-cheated presented. There is a quantity of culinary and cosmetic applications for interesting fruit. In its simplest form the Granatapfel is cut open and the seeds on is chewed, the versions of the saft from the fruit. The fruit becomes also commercial products such as Grenadine that in the whole world can be used. Find Granatäpfel pfel are not so welted States admit are, can a little more with difficulty to places, it sell to find. The fruit will sell to most larger supermarkets during the time that they can call you in the season, your local grocer's shop to sell in order to see, if they have Granatäpfel. If you cannot find, the fruit, places garnet apple juice some the same Nährwert that Obst-und makes available, is much more easily in the supermarkets generally speaking country. They can say, if a Granatapfel ripely by the color of the skin, should it a bright or deep red clay/tone at the exterior attached. They can also say whether it is with your fingernail ripely, if you a scratch easily on the kinship then ripe is. Nourish-physiological advantages of the Granatapfels The most important advantages of are the Antioxidantien, which carry the fruits. This helps, the quantity of the carcinogenic, free radicals, which can take up your body to reduce. The saft von Granatäpfels moderates natural blood solvents such as Aspirin, and can help to create the body-own blood clotting together to dangerous Blutgerinnseln. This helps to reduce also, by the risk of heart problems, those by hypertension. There are also studies the fact that garnet apple juice can contribute to which by the prevention of the body-own cartilages damaged does not let effects of the arthritis reduce. Cosmetic achievements of the Granatapfels Many commercial Beauty products belong today Granatäpfel and others aducts, which can be used for different cosmetic purposes. Save a quantity money and the concern over other secret added and make you its natural beauty cure from . Granatapfel oil from thehe fruit won was praised for its revival abilities, and if on the skin humidity and it can anti- Oxidantien, the elasticity of the skin increase and the skin younger look to add to be able.