Cholesterol is found a wax-like and fat such as soft substance in the body. Cholesterol plays a decisive role in that the normal functioning of our body. Sometimes surplus cholesterol in the blood can deposit in the arteries, including artery of the heart, the brain and furnishing arteries legs. Deposited cholesterol in the arteries is named also Plaque, that causes a constriction and clogging of the artery. This causes in the end a decline of the blood supply to the respective organs. Interestingly enough high cholesterol climbs with the age. Here a list of the six leading causes is for high cholesterol values. 1St family story, age, sex
The three primary causes, the high cholesterol values outside of your inspection are your genetics or family case history, age and sex. With a family story of high cholesterol level, you can become with a high risk. In addition women have as a rule altogether cholesterol level and therewith clearly more than men for the same age group are. Many people have high cholesterol values in the early age through genetics or family story. Women get natural climb of its good cholesterols (HDL) of its hormones until they reach Menopause. Postal service Menopause causes slighter HDL. In such cases, estrogen of HDL cholesterol level higher to the maintenance can good. People with a diabetic story in the family inherit high Triglyceridspiegel also. Triglyzeride are blood fats that tend increase bad cholesterols.
Some of that most important high cholesterol level causes secondary that you can control, are: 2: High-fat diets
Cholesterols appropriate the liver suppiles by the body requires. Therefore its not compelling necessarily, additional cholesterols out of different sources of food. The most certain groceries that you can consume are fruit and vegetable. Its although importantly, animal and milk products to reduce. An egg contains will be 300 mg cholesterols, so with an egg per day to reach you maximal quota of cholesterol as the day requirement at cholesterol for the body 300mg.
Causes 6 leading cholesterol for high cholesterol values 3rd weight
Overweight people tend in addition, increase (LDL) bad cholesterols. Excess weight leads to more unhealthy or movement deficiency, that increases bad cholesterols. Shedding weight helps sink Triglyceridwerte as well as throws good cholesterol (HDL)-Spiegel. Therefore carry leads additional weight decline the cholesterol level to a climb the cholesterol level evidently helps to control also the body weight. 4Th smoke
Increased bad cholesterols (LDL) smoke. 20% death through heart illnesses is, with which smoking are connected. 5Th stress
Stresses directly do not increase the cholesterol level. To be sure have influence on the mood and eating habits. Gestresste people tend to smoke or to drink, what last of all increase bad cholesterols (LDL). Also gestresste people long himself sooner for groceries, especially fatty groceries such as chocolate or candy. Stress caused are fast combustion of calories and sugar in chocolate and candy a fast calorie master builder. 6Th alcohol
Although alcohol is good how it increases the good cholesterol (HDL), is do not diminish it bad cholesterols (LDL). In addition the heart and the liver muscles can create through excessive alcohol consumption, what again high blood pressure and throws damages become also blood fat Triglyceridspiegel. In addition alcohol, bad cholesterol values tends increase. These secondary causes, that we control must can your determination and discipline. So avoid high-fat nourishment to do regular movement, the smoking and alcohol and a healthy life!
The three primary causes, the high cholesterol values outside of your inspection are your genetics or family case history, age and sex. With a family story of high cholesterol level, you can become with a high risk. In addition women have as a rule altogether cholesterol level and therewith clearly more than men for the same age group are. Many people have high cholesterol values in the early age through genetics or family story. Women get natural climb of its good cholesterols (HDL) of its hormones until they reach Menopause. Postal service Menopause causes slighter HDL. In such cases, estrogen of HDL cholesterol level higher to the maintenance can good. People with a diabetic story in the family inherit high Triglyceridspiegel also. Triglyzeride are blood fats that tend increase bad cholesterols.
Some of that most important high cholesterol level causes secondary that you can control, are: 2: High-fat diets
Cholesterols appropriate the liver suppiles by the body requires. Therefore its not compelling necessarily, additional cholesterols out of different sources of food. The most certain groceries that you can consume are fruit and vegetable. Its although importantly, animal and milk products to reduce. An egg contains will be 300 mg cholesterols, so with an egg per day to reach you maximal quota of cholesterol as the day requirement at cholesterol for the body 300mg.
Causes 6 leading cholesterol for high cholesterol values 3rd weight
Overweight people tend in addition, increase (LDL) bad cholesterols. Excess weight leads to more unhealthy or movement deficiency, that increases bad cholesterols. Shedding weight helps sink Triglyceridwerte as well as throws good cholesterol (HDL)-Spiegel. Therefore carry leads additional weight decline the cholesterol level to a climb the cholesterol level evidently helps to control also the body weight. 4Th smoke
Increased bad cholesterols (LDL) smoke. 20% death through heart illnesses is, with which smoking are connected. 5Th stress
Stresses directly do not increase the cholesterol level. To be sure have influence on the mood and eating habits. Gestresste people tend to smoke or to drink, what last of all increase bad cholesterols (LDL). Also gestresste people long himself sooner for groceries, especially fatty groceries such as chocolate or candy. Stress caused are fast combustion of calories and sugar in chocolate and candy a fast calorie master builder. 6Th alcohol
Although alcohol is good how it increases the good cholesterol (HDL), is do not diminish it bad cholesterols (LDL). In addition the heart and the liver muscles can create through excessive alcohol consumption, what again high blood pressure and throws damages become also blood fat Triglyceridspiegel. In addition alcohol, bad cholesterol values tends increase. These secondary causes, that we control must can your determination and discipline. So avoid high-fat nourishment to do regular movement, the smoking and alcohol and a healthy life!