If you state the fact that you have difficulties remains on concentrates concentrated, could it many causes for these - and many possibilities, in order to repair the problem. One of the best possibilities, in order to repair this problem, is however with food to help the concentration. There is numerous food, was tested and as can be prove to improve to concentration and brain function. They can literally eat your way to a better concentration. Food, those helps concentration food, the assistance concentration Whole grains for concentration and brain activity Full grain products such as oats, book wheat, Popcorn, barley, wheat berries and much more besides can help with their concentration. These food proved that the supply from oxygen makes the brain to the brain to increase, by stronger blood circulation, and actively. By the addition of more full grain products to your nutrition and above all naschen full grain products between the meals, you will state that them not only a higher measure of concentration, and that your thoughts are more clearly, but also that your memory has itself improved. Cover different berries for improved concentration Bilberries, Brombeeren, strawberries, rope berries, to improve your concentration and so rather every other edible berry that one helps from actual, think. These important berries contain tons of Antioxidantien and are actually believed, in order to prevent, of Alzheimer illness. Beyond that they help to improve the memory and to increase flow of blood to the brain for an improved concentration. An additional advantage is the fact that berries are in their natural form, them not thickly then can eat you a good deal, like many of them, like you wants - and they taste great. They are also mad, if on other food taken up. Omega-3 is for the brain function and concentration Because so many cells actually consist it in the brain of fatty acids, make sense that the increase of the quantity of on healthy fatty acids can improve the concentration ability. The fatty acids are natural, you Omega-3-. In addition, that comes from a diet from fish, can be received by extra pay. Beside an improved concentration Omega-3-Speicher can also improve, tendencies and adaptability. If you do not eat fish, and you do not want for additions, other sources of Omega-3, beans, beggs, rapeseel oil and flax seed and linseed oil. Olive oil is also a good source for Omega-3, but one must carefully, if aufwändige oils, as oils have ugh calorie content.