Celery leaves are is rich at vitamin A, during the root an excellent source for vitamin B1, B2, B6 and C as well as potassium, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and many amino acids.
Celery raw can be consumed how it is or in salads, but it can be used also in cooked foods. A special advantage this vegetable is that, unlike other vegetables, the heat in the cooking resists very well, without its vitamins.
Advantage 10 most important celery LEISTUNGEN1 by meal celery advantages of the Verzehrs of celery
1: It sinks the cholesterol level
A newer study at animals carried out, showed for eight weeks that in the animals, that eaten celery, that cholesterol level quickly returned, and the gall secretion increased became. If you recommended fight with this problem and your physician, that you fatty groceries abandon, can accelerate you the dismantling of cholesterol with celery juice nourishment. For three weeks, a glass of celery juice drink every morning on empty stomach.
2: Clogging Relieves
Celery functions as a strong purgative. If you at clogging, drink suffer or eat celery juice it raw. If the problem frequently appears, it is eat best to prevent celery frequently to clogging.
3: Treats stomach and intenstinal cancer
A group of components with cancer effect and a diet, celery contains can protect contains celery against stomach cancer. For this reason physicians recommend a daily reception of celery, in high quantities if possible.
4: Sinks the blood pressure
A study carried out recently yielded that people, who drink celery juice for at least a week, profit, by a clear decline of the blood pressure. A connection, in celery helps relax the muscles around the artery and expands the blood vessels by what means a better circulation.
5: Kidney function Increases
Celery consumption smoothes the function of the kidneys and the kidney function, helps to accelerate it the body, the toxic substances elimination. In addition this procedure prevents the kidney stones. Over to prevent, drink is this type of problem, is it recommended, celery juice in large quantities, but the natural and fresh vegetable consumption also very good.
6: Decreasing Helps
Celery is is a nutritious food, that in addition certainly among other things in order to reduce the appetite, craving on candy and fatty groceries. Slice and try celery clean,, eat it the entire day. They become at the end of the day that the quantity of the groceries to see was, that you consumed clearly reduced.
7: Helps to the decontamination of the body
If you feel tiredly,, if you are consumed recently nourishment with many chemical ingredients or you want simple a Detox, eat and drink celery celery juice daily.
8Th speeds of until kidney stones
Drink celery juice helps to break and the kidney stones. Obviously for visible results, you must to drink celery juice daily for about a month. In the meantime will prevent the celery juices the development of new kidney stones.
9: The nervous system Calms
Mineral lyes through the celery juices contained have a calming effect on the nervous system, it is an excellent solution for people, who treat with insomnia. For this problem, you drink a glass of juice of celery, each night, an hour before the sleep narrow marriage.
10Th Hormonregulator
Scientists discovered that celery an ingredient that regulates the hormones with women and men. Also the celery juices fertility promotes, removes frigidity and even fights against impotence.
Celery raw can be consumed how it is or in salads, but it can be used also in cooked foods. A special advantage this vegetable is that, unlike other vegetables, the heat in the cooking resists very well, without its vitamins.
Advantage 10 most important celery LEISTUNGEN1 by meal celery advantages of the Verzehrs of celery
1: It sinks the cholesterol level
A newer study at animals carried out, showed for eight weeks that in the animals, that eaten celery, that cholesterol level quickly returned, and the gall secretion increased became. If you recommended fight with this problem and your physician, that you fatty groceries abandon, can accelerate you the dismantling of cholesterol with celery juice nourishment. For three weeks, a glass of celery juice drink every morning on empty stomach.
2: Clogging Relieves
Celery functions as a strong purgative. If you at clogging, drink suffer or eat celery juice it raw. If the problem frequently appears, it is eat best to prevent celery frequently to clogging.
3: Treats stomach and intenstinal cancer
A group of components with cancer effect and a diet, celery contains can protect contains celery against stomach cancer. For this reason physicians recommend a daily reception of celery, in high quantities if possible.
4: Sinks the blood pressure
A study carried out recently yielded that people, who drink celery juice for at least a week, profit, by a clear decline of the blood pressure. A connection, in celery helps relax the muscles around the artery and expands the blood vessels by what means a better circulation.
5: Kidney function Increases
Celery consumption smoothes the function of the kidneys and the kidney function, helps to accelerate it the body, the toxic substances elimination. In addition this procedure prevents the kidney stones. Over to prevent, drink is this type of problem, is it recommended, celery juice in large quantities, but the natural and fresh vegetable consumption also very good.
6: Decreasing Helps
Celery is is a nutritious food, that in addition certainly among other things in order to reduce the appetite, craving on candy and fatty groceries. Slice and try celery clean,, eat it the entire day. They become at the end of the day that the quantity of the groceries to see was, that you consumed clearly reduced.
7: Helps to the decontamination of the body
If you feel tiredly,, if you are consumed recently nourishment with many chemical ingredients or you want simple a Detox, eat and drink celery celery juice daily.
8Th speeds of until kidney stones
Drink celery juice helps to break and the kidney stones. Obviously for visible results, you must to drink celery juice daily for about a month. In the meantime will prevent the celery juices the development of new kidney stones.
9: The nervous system Calms
Mineral lyes through the celery juices contained have a calming effect on the nervous system, it is an excellent solution for people, who treat with insomnia. For this problem, you drink a glass of juice of celery, each night, an hour before the sleep narrow marriage.
10Th Hormonregulator
Scientists discovered that celery an ingredient that regulates the hormones with women and men. Also the celery juices fertility promotes, removes frigidity and even fights against impotence.