Healing Qualities Foods

Healing Qualities Foods

Food, which welfare-ends characteristics offers in the whole world by different cultures became reported. By the inclusion of some or you can reduce and improve all of these food in your nutrition your chances to certain health conditions you your general health and well-being. 10 food with welfare-ends to characteristics of 10 food with welfare-ends characteristics Researchers study doing good food with welfare-end characteristics So far researchers have to identify the nourish-physiological advantages of certain food for years. They examined the proteins, coal hydrates, calories, fat, mineral materials and vitamins, in order to determine, how healthy determined food for the human body is. Recently the science has on more deeply going studies to health use, what each individual food can offer turned. They consider also different factors like the secondary plant materials, which with them and the use of these secondary plant materials can offer such as cancer precaution or adjustment of hormones and the Cholesterinspiegel for example are assigned. 10 food with welfare-ends characteristics
 1. Honey - the research showed that honey contains both antibacterial and antiviral characteristics. Studies continue for the advantages of honey with welfare-end wounds and for the health of the digesting system.
 2. The Green tea - research shows that the Green can help tea, reduces you your risk of cancer, apoplexy or heart illnesses. Other research showed that give to possibly prevent it you two diabetes and osteoporosis. The Green tea showed also, inflammation reduces qualities regarding some kinds of chronically inflammatory intestine illnesses (CED).
3. - in the year 2004 this was certified first food, in order to give a qualified health-referred indication by the FDA. It stated that by the consumption fats and Cholesterin satisfied of 1 ½ ounces  poor in can reduce each day and maintenance of a diet the risk of a coronation heart illness.
4. Blue berries - bilberries are one of the fruits with the highest measure of Antioxidantien, which slow the aging process down, reduce the risk of diabetes, lowering of the Cholesterinspiegels, improvement of the general motor abilities help and play a role both in urine and visual health. Bilberries have also characteristics.
5. Granatapfel-Denn it is richly at Antioxidantien, the research showed Granatapfel can help, the risk of heart illnesses and lowers the blood pressure to lower. It can lower the Cholesterinspiegel and determined cancer risks.
 6. Spices - you can win large health advantages as well as good-tasting food by spices. Zimt helps to lower the Cholesterinspiegel and stabilizes the blood sugar mirror, ginger is for the support into a healthy digesting and for its characteristics admits and for its achievements with cancer prevention is examined. Turmeric showed as with  characteristics and to know a progressing of the Alzheimer illness and slowly like cancer risk reduce.
7. Yogurt - the recommended yogurt yogurt with active cultures. It contains calcium, magnesium, vitamin B-2 and B-12 and also Probiotika, which help to support good bacteria so called in the intestine with Verdauungs-und immune system admit are. There are also some advantages of the lowering of the Cholesterins to those, those consumes regularly yogurt.
 8. Dark Chocolate Zartbitterschokolade offers advantages both for the cardiovascular system then well possible to protection from cancer. It was examined also for its tendency to improve effects for effects for the emotional and psychological health.
9. Salmon - salmon is rich at Omega-3-Fettsäuren and protein. It is calorie-poor and poor in satisfied fatty acids. Health use of salmon are the prevention of diabetes, Alzheimer's and cancer as well as characteristics and heart cycle achievements.
 10. Broccoli - Broccoli is full vitamins such as Folsäure, vitamins A, to make B6 and K. minerals such as calcium and potassium that much healthier for it. Brokkoli is considered as if welfare-end food for the characteristics of secondary plant materials activates Indol-3-Carbinol and Sulforaphan, those help against cancer. Select food with welfare-end characteristics For the general improvement your health and well-being and for the chance on long and healthier life which one from the new discovery of the nourish-physiological advantages from many food profit. Including some of these food, which investigated and as can be prove specific health use can help you, reduce you your risks of illness or control conditions you can have.