Meat is well for you - or badly for it - depending on, which expert you talk. We have to eat meat, since the beginning of the time, and we all have our preferences. Then there are naturally those, those does not eat no meat at all. The reasons are enough from taste, health convictions, around animal rights. If you want to eat meat, you must know however to the 5 healthiest meat places. 5 healthiest kinds of meat 5 healthiest meat places Why we need meat We can survive without meat, and do many humans. This is above all, because it other food, which has the same nutrients and protein that meat contains, but the sources are not so good. This means that, if you do not eat meat must eat you larger quantities of these other sources of protein. Even if you are larger quantities of meal other sources of protein, is important it to recognize that at the end, can really replace the Nährwert of meat to nothing. It is also important to recognize that, like the animal one places, regarding that, how it is fed, has effects on your health. A classification 5 healthiest meat places
1. Chicken - chicken meat is slim and full from protein. If without the skin eaten, that is one healthiest meat places, which can possibly eat you. Free rank or bio chicken is best.
2. Fish - fish could be the number one, because it is so healthy. It is full from Omega-3-Fettsäuren, which is essential for a good physical and mental health. It makes the number two on the list, however because of the protein value of chickens, and you must examine the potential for mercury in fish as well as.
3. Pork - '. The other white meat " Pork publicised as during it by far not as healthy as fish and chicken, is typically healthier it than red meat.
4. Intended sections of red meat - red meat became a bad reputation in the last years, but the truth is that red meat can just as well for you - or just as badly for you - as other kinds of meat, depending upon cut the meat. They should regard for the slimmest cuts possible.
5. Non Traditional sources of meat - Americans usually do not see, certain kinds of meat as acceptable. In addition belong horse meat, dog meat and cat meat. Some cultures, but they eat these kinds of meat, and they can healthier than the red meat, which we use in the United States. Meat alternatives There are alternatives to the meat. They know beans, Tofu, or Nüsse, or a set of other food in the effort around the same the nutrients, minerals and proteins, which are contained in meat, get to eat, but it to probably have, around a concentrated effort to get around the vitamins and nutrients, which your body needs..
1. Chicken - chicken meat is slim and full from protein. If without the skin eaten, that is one healthiest meat places, which can possibly eat you. Free rank or bio chicken is best.
2. Fish - fish could be the number one, because it is so healthy. It is full from Omega-3-Fettsäuren, which is essential for a good physical and mental health. It makes the number two on the list, however because of the protein value of chickens, and you must examine the potential for mercury in fish as well as.
3. Pork - '. The other white meat " Pork publicised as during it by far not as healthy as fish and chicken, is typically healthier it than red meat.
4. Intended sections of red meat - red meat became a bad reputation in the last years, but the truth is that red meat can just as well for you - or just as badly for you - as other kinds of meat, depending upon cut the meat. They should regard for the slimmest cuts possible.
5. Non Traditional sources of meat - Americans usually do not see, certain kinds of meat as acceptable. In addition belong horse meat, dog meat and cat meat. Some cultures, but they eat these kinds of meat, and they can healthier than the red meat, which we use in the United States. Meat alternatives There are alternatives to the meat. They know beans, Tofu, or Nüsse, or a set of other food in the effort around the same the nutrients, minerals and proteins, which are contained in meat, get to eat, but it to probably have, around a concentrated effort to get around the vitamins and nutrients, which your body needs..